In the modern, digital age it is becoming increasingly harder to spot what may or may not be a scam. People who want to steal your money are using increasingly sophisticated methods of trying to try and do this.
Always remember that no one at Modulus Financial Planning will ever ask you to confirm or send through any bank details or passwords via email.
We will never ask you to allow us to access your computer or personal devices.
If someone claiming to be from Modulus contacts you, and you are suspicious then please get in touch with us directly and speak to Dale or John as Directors of Modulus to confirm the reason for contact. Use the FCA register to confirm our details and contact us. We would prefer you to call and speak to us for 5 minutes rather than you potentially become a victim.
If you are worried about potential scams, then you can access the FCA ScamSmart website ( which has practical advice on avoiding scams.
Some practical tips from us –
- Never allow cold callers of any description access to any of your personal information or devices.
- Never believe a cold caller who tells you that your accounts have been compromised. Contact the appropriate bank / institution and they will confirm if a breach has occurred.
- If you are worried that someone who has contacted you is trying to scam you but can’t be sure, then contact their employer / parent company to confirm their identity and reason for contact. If they are being genuine then they won’t mind you checking.
- If someone offers you an unbelievable deal offering you 10% returns on a risk free investment, that just seems too good to be true, then it usually is – so beware. If it walks, swims, and talks like a duck then it’s likely to be a duck.
- If you receive an email from us and it seems a bit off then it is likely a scam of some description (unless it is one of Dale or John’s bad jokes – they’re always off!). We will never send an email asking you to reset a password by clicking a link.
This email might look like it has been sent from John’s email address, but it hasn’t. The actual email came from an external address – I checked out the owner of this email address and it seems that they are a legitimate company, so it is highly likely that their email was cloned. We have contacted them to make them aware of the issue (I would like someone to do the same for me).Remember that if in doubt then delete the message and contact our offices directly.
- If you believe that any of your personal details, passwords etc have been compromised then please contact our offices to inform us. We will assist with trying to ensure that your financial planning arrangements are not accessed by a third party.
- If you advised that a family member, friend, or adviser is trying to take advantage of you then turn to someone you trust implicitly. If you don’t have someone like that you can speak to, then contact an independent solicitor, financial adviser or accountant, who is registered with the appropriate body (Law Society, FCA, Chartered Accountants Ireland etc). They will need to speak with you in depth about your concerns so be prepared to meet them as it may take a bit of time (it won’t take a short phone call).
No one intends to be the victim of crime or a scam but it can happen, all too easily.
Scammers are working harder than ever to get at your money.
Always be careful about your personal information and remain vigilant.